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Notes from Meeting 3 of Summer 2020 (July 20, 2020 1:00pm -2:00pm)

Faculty Survey Report Spring 2020



The faculty survey was designed by the Data and Technology FIG with support from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness. The survey was designed to measure the Spring 2020 distance learning faculty experience using qualitative and quantitative questions. The results of the survey can help inform the college of faculty challenges and needs as the college continues with distance learning and expands online learning in Fall 2020. The results might also provide online considerations for future semesters. This survey collected faculty perceptions and experiences with emergency remote instruction (ERI) during Spring 2020. However, online teaching and learning, usually entails advanced knowledge of format, time for preparation, and students who self-select for online courses. Therefore, the lessons learned may need to be adapted if they are to apply to planned online teaching and learning.


The survey was forwarded in mid-June through KCC e-mail to all part-time and full-time faculty…


For more information about findings, please contact the facilitator: [email protected] or join us in the Fall 2020 meetings.


Notes from Meeting 2 of Summer 2020 (Jul 6 2020 12:00 -1:00 PM)

Student Survey Report Spring 2020



During the summer of 2020, the Data Faculty Interest Group (FIG) with support from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, and therefore with institutional commitment, designed, implemented, and analyzed the results of a student survey. Singular in purpose, this survey measured the Spring 2020 Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) student experiences. ERI is differentiated from the traditional and optional online model practiced before Spring 2020 as it was an unexpected situation leaving neither students nor faculty with preparatory pedagogical time or choice. This section of the FIG report reflects the analysis of the student survey. The FIG also designed and implemented a complementary survey for faculty.


The results of the student survey may provide useful information on the extent to which students were prepared and satisfied with ERI, pedagogical challenges in multiple areas, and technology preferences, among other variables. Additionally, the results can help provide insights and considerations for online learning in the future. Even when students self-select and enroll in online courses, there are inherent challenges we could extract from the survey results to understand how best to help students succeed.

As we approach the Fall 2020 semester, which will be administered largely online, the analysis that follows is an effort to understand the experiences of students and faculty in Spring 2020 so that all members of the college community can more reasonably and expeditiously meet student needs moving forward.

The Student Survey


The survey was sent in mid-June by e-mail and text message to all students who enrolled in at least one Spring 2020 course. A total of 867 students responded….


For more information about findings, please contact the facilitator: [email protected] or join us in the Fall 2020 meetings.

Notes from Meeting 1 of Summer 2020 (Jun 22, 2020 1:00 – 2:00 PM)

During the summer of 2020, the Data Faculty Interest Group (FIG) with support from the Office of Institutional Effectiveness, and therefore with institutional commitment, designed, implemented, and analyzed the results of a student survey and a faculty survey. Singular in purpose, this survey measured the Spring 2020 Emergency Remote Instruction (ERI) student experiences. ERI is differentiated from the traditional and optional online model practiced before Spring 2020 as it was an unexpected situation leaving neither students nor faculty with preparatory pedagogical time or choice.

The group collected the data from the two surveys sent to students and faculty at CUNY Kingsborough Community College during June 2020 and conducted analysis of the data.  For more information about findings, please contact the facilitator: [email protected] or join us in the Fall 2020 meetings.